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Sunday Worship Bulletin, July 7 2024

Veradale United Church of Christ

An Open & Affirming Congregation

Worshiping God in Christ – Welcoming All – Working for Justice & Peace

“No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!”

July 7, 2024


10:20 Gathering and Prelude

Wayne Shull, Music Director

Charlie Salt, AV

Joe McSwain, Usher

Jerry Brines, Usher

Reader’s Theater, Scripture Reader

_______, Candle lighter

_________, Fellowship Set-up

Naomi Hanvey, Fellowship Clean-up

Scotty Patton, Zoom Monitor

Rev. Gen Heywood, Pastor


10:30am    Worship begins

We worship on the unceded traditional territory of the Spokane, Cayuse, Umatilla, Walla Walla, Coeur d’Alene, and other tribes. We acknowledge the history of indigenous genocide, removal, and erasure that continues to this day.  We recognize the role that Christian communities played in these injustices, and we recommit ourselves to seeking more peaceful, just, and neighborly ways of sharing this land with all who call it home.


Community Affirmation

God guides us ...all the time!  All the time...God guides us!


Service and Fellowship Opportunities 

Next Sunday “Natural Relations”

Bible Study off for the Summer

Silent Prayer, Tuesday 9:00 to 9:30am

String-A-Lings practice Wednesday, 5:30pm 

Sing-A-Lings (a.k.a.Choir) practice Wednesday 6:30pm

 Community giving this month: School Supplies


Welcoming the Light of Christ

Hymn: This is my Song 591 (NCH)

This is my song, O God of all the nations, a song of peace for lands afar and mine; this is my home, the country where my heart is; here are my hopes, my dreams, my holy shrine: but other hearts in other lands are beating with hopes and dreams as true and high as mine.

My country's skies are bluer than the ocean, and sunlight beams on cloverleaf and pine; but other lands have sunlight too, and clover, and skies are everywhere as blue as mine: O hear my song, O God of all the nations, a song of peace for their land and for mine.


Community Prayer

In moments like these, I sing out a song. I sing out a love song to Jesus. In moments like these, I lift up my hands, I lift up may hands to the Lord. Singing I love you, Lord. Singing I love you, Lord. Singing I love you, Lord. I love you.

Prayers of Gratitude


Prayers of Concern


Silent Prayer


 The Lord’s Prayer use the translation which is meaningful to you or

 Our Father (Creator) who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.  Amen.

Response: 812 (NCH)

Amen. Amen. Amen. 


A Time of Offering

 An Invitation to Share 


Choir: Gather Us In


Dedication Hymn 780 (NCH)

Praise God from whom all blessing flow. Praise God all creatures here below. Praise God for all that love has done; Creator, Christ, and Spirit, One.  Amen

Dedication Prayer

  Holy One, your hope in us never wavers. Fill our offerings of time, talent, and treasure with your blessing so that this little church may shine the light of hope and healing.Amen


Listening for God

Readers Theater

Readings from Genesis 18 and 19


Message: Another Tale of Two Cities


Choir: At This Table


Sharing Holy Communion

Hand sanitizer passed around.

Pastor: Friends in Christ, we gather at our many tables mindful of the presence of God’s Spirit that is here with us.  We seek to honor the request of Jesus given in the scripture.  Of all the teachings Jesus gave to our ancestors, this he asked them and us to do for him to remember him. 


When Jesus and his friends sat together at a Passover meal, Jesus took bread; giving God thanks and praise, he broke the bread.  He gave it to his friends saying, “Take this all of you and eat of it.  This is my body that is broken for you.  Do this in remembrance of me.”

After the meal had ended, Jesus poured out the cup and again he gave God thanks and praise.  He gave the cup to his friends and said, “Take this all of you and drink from it.  This is the cup of the new covenant.  Do this as often as you drink of it in remembrance of me.”


Let us pray.

All: Loving God, you are with us in questioning and learning.  We thank you with humble hearts. Let your presence be felt among us.  Come, Holy Spirit come.  Bless this bread and this cup and all who have gathered in your Spirit.  Refresh us and renew us as Christ’s body in the world today.  In the name of Jesus, we pray.  Amen.


Silence as all who want to receive come forward. We will break bread and share a common cup or you can receive the packaged bread and drink,


Prayer of Thanksgiving

All: We thank you, God, for your presence at all our tables where we remember and experience the presence of Christ.  Help us to live more fully the way of Christ. Strengthen our faith, increase our love for one another, and let us show forth your praise in our lives, through Jesus Christ our Savior.  Amen.


Meditation in Music


Announcement Reminder


Our Light moves into the World God Loves

Closing Hymn: Let us Talents and Tongues employ 347(NCH)

1.    Let us talents and tongues employ, reaching out with a shout of joy: bread is broken, the wine is poured, Christ is spoken and seen and heard.

Refrain: Jesus lives again; earth can breathe again.Pass the Word around: loaves abound!(repeat)

2. Christ is able to make us one, at his table he set the tone, teaching people to live to bless, love in word and in deed express Refrain

3. Jesus calls us in, sends us out bearing fruit in a world of doubt, gives us love to tell, bread to share: God, Immanuel, everywhere! Refrain


Communal Blessing

Be Yourself.

Grow in Christ.

Live with Compassion

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